on Resolving Generational Trauma

Nov 14th 2024 - 1PM CET
60 MIN - ONLINE - limited spots

Generational Trauma


For mothers who are looking for a life in TRUE CONNECTION with themselves and their kids. A truly HAPPY & CONNECTED FAMILY able to give space and hold eachothers’ emotions.
For mothers who want to positively influence their childrens’ lifes for a BRIGHT FUTURE.

  • This Masterclass is for you if... see that something is in the way of this deeply connected & happy family bond you truly long for and you face recurring struggles or fights that trigger you in ways you wished wouldn't exist. The contrary of the role model you'd actually like to represent.

    I know those moments when you wish you could hold your patience, but it feels impossible. You're not alone in this, love. I’ve been exactly where you are, and I’ve helped other women just like you. There's no need to feel guilty. It is not your fault.

    In my masterclass I’ll teach you the keys to stay calm and you'll learn to set loving boundaries, without the guilt. You'll discover how to love yourself and your children more... and WHY this is so god damn important!!!

In this masterclass you will discover

  • How to stay calm even in triggering situations (seems impossible)? understanding WHY you get angry or emotional at times and how to allow yourself the space to release it.

  • Why most heart-centered mothers are "people pleasers" ?

    ..and how to set healthy boundaries instead, without being selfish or
    triggering “mum guilt”.

  • How to be the connected & loving mother to your kids..

    ..even when you didn't learn true, unconditional love from your parents, by healing generational trauma in the core.


Hi, I’m
Laura and.. the past years - and especially since I'm a mom - I've been fascinated about how our mental, emotional, and spiritual states reflect in the way we feel. And more specifically how we directly influence our children by resolving our own limiting patterns and trauma.

My first mind-blowing experience with the power of reprogramming your subconscious was when
I used subconscious belief coaching to let go of my traumatic first birth experience and transformed into such a self-confident pregnant women that I home birthed my second daughter in peace and almost ecstasy against the opinion of family & friends (who were still scared from my first experience).

Further, seeing my children grow, I was always impressed by children’s fantastic capability to mirror our own wounds. I see parents and caretakers as the most important influence on the future of coming generations and I feel we have a responsibility towards ourselves and those who follow to work on our healing. So I made my own healing a priority. Not just for me, but especially for my children. I found so much joy in discovering the depth of our souls that my journey from business manager to yoga teacher did not end with teaching yoga, but certifying in other healing modalities like subconscious belief coaching and sound healing. Assisting others in their healing journey is what brings me most joy and I am so thankful to have the opportunity to share my learnings.

Our children are born healthy and perfect into this world. In the same way as also their parents were one time.. Therefore, when working on generational trauma, for me, it is less about blaming someone, as it is truly nobody's fault. It is more about discovering the possibility to take responsibility and brake the patterns. If a parent has difficulty in setting boundaries, the question is why? And how we can support the parent to change its belief systems so (s)he finds more ease in being a true role model. And that’s what’s my dharma, my purpose - assisting you on your personal healing and growth journey.


Embodied Vision™ Coach, Sound Healer,
550h Hatha & Vinyasa Yoga Teacher, Pre-& Postpartum Yoga Teacher, M. Sc., B. Sc.

It ends with me

It ends with me